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'Three easy steps to being happier at work'

Re-discover your career mojo

Gain the clarity, confidence and focus to take back the reins and build a career you love, on your terms

Home: Welcome

Do you want more IMPACT, MEANING and JOY in your career?

  • Feel like you are coasting and wasting your potential?

  • Lack confidence in yourself and your capabilities?

  • Feel stuck in a rut, wondering 'Is this it'?

  • Wish your role suited who you are (or want to be)?

  • Worried that making a change would be impossible, or the wrong decision?

Life's too short to be unhappy and unfulfilled.

If you sense that something needs to change but don’t know where to start, I can help!

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Home: About

Hi, I'm Karen

I’m an accredited career and mental fitness coach and I am here to tell you…

It is possible to wake up on a Monday morning excited about the week ahead.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfil you the way you once thought it would.

I also know what it’s like to feel free from the shackles of “shoulds” and to live and work in a way that is fully aligned with what I love and makes me happy.


I left a corporate marketing career when I became a mum, then helped manage our family business before taking the leap to become a qualified life coach.


Realising what was holding me back, what was truly important to me in my career and what I needed to be happy has changed my life! 

Now I want to help you change yours.

Mental Fitness Boot Camp

8-week programme (group/1:1)

Boost your mindset, weaken self-sabotaging habits and find more growth and happiness in your work and life.  Through daily app-guided exercises and weekly coaching, you will see dramatically improved performance, less self-doubt and stress, better relationships and a happier mind, fast.

* All coaching sessions will be held via Zoom. If you live locally in-person coaching at my home can be arranged.

Home: Services

Career & Confidence Reboot

16 week 1:1 Coaching Programme

Discover your strengths, interests, skills and values and figure out what you need in your career to be happy. Learn to unlock your mindset to confidently put your ideas into action, whether your career change is a small pivot or a radical change. 

Work with Me

My goal is to get you from feeling stuck, to living your best life, doing feel-good work.
You will get clarity on what really matters to you, and explore what changes you would like to make.
Together, we will build on your strengths and you will feel confident to tackle any obstacles so you can 
achieve your career goals and feel fulfilled.

Home: Testimonials

“My previous thoughts on my job search were quite scatter-gun. I have now joined a new organisation with a clear direction on the type of work I want to focus on as I head towards the next 20 years of my working career.”

Julie M pic.jfif

Julie, Lawyer

As seen in

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Want career, confidence and well-being tips? Follow along on Instagram @miabocoaching

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